The mission of St. Luke UMC is to serve God with
our hearts, hands, and feet in our community and beyond.
our hearts, hands, and feet in our community and beyond.
Join us for Worship!
Worship Service - Sunday @ 10:00 am
Nursery Available
Worship Service - Sunday @ 10:00 am
Nursery Available

Instructions for giving online: Once you click on the link above, you will need to create a profile. Once the profile is created, you will log in with your user name and password for future giving. The rest is simple. Fill in the amount you wish to give, click on general fund, how often you wish you to give, the date, your bank or card information and submit it. You will receive an email verifying the amount. You may give through ACH (enter your bank information) which is a lesser fee for the church, or you may give through your debit or credit card.